0 votes
j = 1
while (j < n) {
  k = 2
  while (k < n) {
    Sum += a[j]*b[k]
    k = k * k
in Asymptotic Analysis by AlgoMeister (1.6k points)
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3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

The increasing process of k = k*k is 22^(t-1).

for example, the first k = 2

the second is 4

the third is 16 etc.

so in the loop k<n, the time it will process is 22^(t-1) <= n

so t = log(2,log(2,n)) + 1

and combining with the time j loops, the total time should be (n-1)(log(2,log(2,n)) + 1)

That is, overall, O(n log log n)

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+2 votes
I almost agree with Jian Luan.

There are two while loops.

1.The outside is n times.

2.The inside depends on k. k=k*k from k=2. So 4=2*2, 16=4*4, 256=16*16...That is 2^(2^t)

2^(2^t) < n, So t = log(logn)

Totally, The O(n) is O(nloglog(n))

Jiajun Wang(Quentin)
+2 votes

The outside iteration is gonna take (n-1) times.

Then, the inside iteration:

The 1st time: k = 2 = 22^0;

The 2nd time: k = 22 = 22^1;

The 3rd time:k = 24 = 22^2;


The Nth time k = 22^(N-1).

If assume that the inner iteration is gonna take N times:

22^(N-1) < n => N < log(log n) +1;

So, the inner iteration is gonna take no more than log(log n) times.

The whole program is gonna take (n-1)*(log(log n) +1) = n*log(log n) + n - log(log n) -1 = O(n*log(log n)); 

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