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Give an example of a task environment that is.. 

  1. Episodic and Discrete
  2. Continuous and Episodic
  3. Continuous, Non-Deterministic and Non-Episodic.
For each of the combinations above, give an example of a task environment.
in Informed Search by AlgoMeister (1.6k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
  1. For Episodic and Discrete, I think the baseball game meets the criteria. Every ball has no relationship with next ball( not in a real baseball game), so it is episodic. Good balls that are caught and bad balls have not been caught make it discrete.
  2. For Continuous and Episodic, digital image analysis is a good example. The images are isolated and for images, they are continuous.
  3. For Continuous, Non-Deterministic and Non-Episodic, most of the chemistry reaction controller are meet the criteria. The reactions are continuous, what will happen is stochastic not only because the same reactants have different reactions in different situations, but also because of impurity effect or other conditions. Some reaction will create a new substance, so it is sequential.
by AlgoMeister (968 points)
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