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You are given 10 apples of different sizes, 10 bananas of different sizes and 10 oranges of different sizes, organized in a 3x10 array.  You want to organize them so that fruits go from top to bottom in ascending order of size.  Any fruit can be used in any column that you like.  The only move allowed is to swap two fruits horizontally or vertically.  You want to use A* algorithm to minimize the number of moves for this.  Explain your approach.
in Informed Search by AlgoMeister (1.6k points)

3 Answers

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The heuristic function I developed is to calculate the sum of Manhattan distance to each of six possible final states of fruits and take the minimum of those six sums to account for that we want to go to the nearest final state. Then divide that sum of distance by 2 to account for swaps. Then this problem reduces to a simple A*.

by (164 points)
0 votes

The algorithm starts with the given arbitrary arrangement as the initial state and employs operators for horizontal and vertical swaps to explore different configurations. A heuristic function is used to estimate the remaining effort to reach the goal state, guiding the algorithm to prioritize more promising moves. The cost function assigns a cost of 1 to each move, aiming to minimize the total number of moves. As the algorithm iteratively explores states, it keeps track of the optimal path, and once the goal state is reached, backtracking allows us to determine the sequence of moves that leads to the optimal solution. Overall, the A* algorithm provides a systematic and efficient approach to organizing the fruits in the grid with minimal moves.

by (156 points)
0 votes
By graph-representing the problem, generating a cost function and heuristic function, and creating successors to travel across the state space, the A* approach may be used to efficiently arrange a set of fruits in a 3x10 array. Using the A* method, we may reduce the number of movements required to reach the goal state, where the fruits are arranged in ascending order of size.

This method ensures that the algorithm explores the state space wisely by taking into account both the estimated cost (heuristic) and the actual cost (moves). We can re-create the optimal path by going back and using the solution's final steps to physically arrange the fruits in the desired sequence.

Overall, the A* algorithm provides a logical and effective solution to the problem at hand, maximizing the arrangement of fruits in the array while taking constraints and allowable motions into mind.
by (148 points)

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