Hi all,
After research I found my answer as following:
this problem is also called the Euclidian analysis. The worst case in this problem is that the two number n and m are the consecutive Fibonacci numbers Fn+1 and Fn because it will continue calculating gcd(Fn+1, Fn) = gcd(Fn, Fn-1)
assume that T(a,b) is the steps we need to calculate gcd(a,b)
We know that Fn = O(Øn). and limn->infi(Fn+1/Fn) = Ø // Ø is the golden ratio
So T(Fn+1, Fn) = n;
T(a,b) = OT(a, Fn) = OT(Fn+1, Fn)
So T(a,b) = O(logØb)
Another way to solve this problem is to use the "decreasing factor" introduced by Dr. Kiyoko F Aoki Kinoshita
decreasing factor is defined by d = a/a%b
from the analyse above we know that the main role played among T(a,b) is b
Thus T(a,b) = O(logdb)
actually there are lots of other methods to resolve this, just list two for reference.
Hope this do any help