We use D&C
Divide the array into two halfs:
Left side recursive call: T(n/2) time to find MVCS in A[1..n/2]
Right side recursive call: T(n/2) time to find MVCS in A[n/2 + 1..n]
If we can solve the "left-right" case in O(n) time, we will have our T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + O(n) recurrence relation, which then leads to T(n) = O(n log n) analysis.
How to solve the boundary case in O(n) time
To solve boundary case, we realize, that it must include both A[n/2] and A[n/2 + 1]. We simply find the maximum in both directions and add those up. For example:
rightSum = 0
for (j = n/2 + 1 to n) {
rightSum += a[j]
rightMax = max(rightMax, rightSum)
This finds the rightMax. Similarly we find leftMax
middleMax is then simply leftMax + rightMax
Overall algorithm can be written as:
MVCS(A,1,n) {
leftOnlyMax = MVCS(A,1,n/2)
rightOnlyMax = MVCS(A,n/2+1,n)
middleMax = as calculated in the merge routine above
overallMax = max(leftOnlyMax, rightOnlyMax, middleMax);
return overallMax