0 votes

Estimate the final V* values for a given grid world.  Discount, noise, terminal states are all given.  You are given a 3x4 grid world and you want to find V* values.  There is a discount rate of 0.9 and noise of 0.8, 0.1, 0.1.  The first column has all terminal states with value -1 and the last column has terminal states with value 1.  There is no living reward.













in Informed Search by AlgoMeister (1.6k points)
The noise of 0.8, 0.1, 0.1 means that there is a 0.8 probability of going in the attempted direction and 0.1 in each of the perpendicular directions. Of course, if there is a wall in any direction, the movement does not happen.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Here I have formed solution by using policy iteration approach. I am assuming it will move to the right always. Only one action per state. We are given a discount factor (γ) of 0.9 and noise of 0.8, 0.1, 0.1. The first column has terminal states with a value of -1, and the last column has terminal states with a value of 1. There are no living rewards.

a - go to the right always, fixed policy.

We have the following grid world:


It can be shown as :


Policy Iteration:

A = 0.9* (0.8 * B + 0.1 * A + 0.1 * C)

B = 0.9* (0.8 * 1 + 0.1 * B + 0.1 * D )

C = 0.9* (0.8 * D + 0.1 * A + 0.1 * E )

D = 0.9* (0.8 * 1 + 0.1 * B + 0.1 * F )

E = 0.9* (0.8 * F + 0.1 * C + 0.1 * E )

F = 0.9* (0.8 * 1 + 0.1 * D + 0.1 * F )


A = 0.72B + 0.09A  + 0.09C

B = 0.72 + 0.09B + 0.09D

C = 0.72D + 0.09A  + 0.09E

D = 0.72 + 0.09B + 0.09F

E = 0.72F + 0.09C  + 0.09E

F = 0.72 + 0.09D + 0.09F


0.72B + 0.09A  + 0.09C - A = 0

0.72 + 0.09B + 0.09D - B   = 0

0.72D + 0.09A  + 0.09E - C = 0

0.72 + 0.09B + 0.09F - D = 0

0.72F + 0.09C  + 0.09E - E = 0

0.72 + 0.09D + 0.09F - F = 0


Now we have : 

0.72B - 0.91A  + 0.09C  = 0

0.72  - 0.91B  + 0.09D  = 0

0.72D + 0.09A  + 0.09E - C = 0

0.72 + 0.09B + 0.09F - D = 0

0.72F + 0.09C  - 0.91E  = 0

0.72 + 0.09D  - 0.91F   =  0

We can see that : 

0.72 -  0.91F  + 0.09D   =  0

0.72  - 0.91B  + 0.09D   =  0

It means that B = F


Now we have : 

0.72B - 0.91A  + 0.09C  = 0

0.72  - 0.91B  + 0.09D  = 0

0.72D + 0.09A  + 0.09E - C = 0

0.72 + 0.09B + 0.09B - D = 0

0.72B + 0.09C  - 0.91E  = 0

We can see that : 

- 0.09C + 0.91E  = 0.91A  - 0.09C

It means that : A = E


Now we have : 

0.72B - 0.91A  + 0.09C  = 0

0.72  - 0.91B  + 0.09D  = 0

0.72D + 0.18A   - C = 0

0.72 +  0.18B - D = 0

0.72B + 0.09C  - 0.91A  = 0

We can see that

0.91B  - 0.09D  = -0.18B + D

1.09B = 1.09D

B = D = F


Now we have : 

0.72B - 0.91A  + 0.09C  = 0

0.72  - 0.91B  + 0.09D  = 0

0.72B + 0.18A  - C = 0

0.72 +  0.18B - B = 0

We can see that:

- 0.91A  + 0.09C  = 0.18A  - C 

A = C = E

So it can be shown as :

0.72B - 0.82A  = 0

0.72  - 0.82B  = 0


B = D = F = 0.72/0.82  0.88

A =  C =  E  =  ( 0.72 * B ) / 0.82 = (0.72 * 0.878) /  0.82   0.77

So it can be shown as :


by (248 points)
selected by
We need to use policy iteration/policy evaluation in this question.  That is the reason this question was in the exam.  The answers also do not look correct to me.

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