This problem can be reduced into multiple other NP-Complete problems such as clique, vertex cover and hamiltonian cycle to my knowledge.
For Sun Graph to Hamiltonian Cycle Reduction:
Consider R(x)= Connects each new vertex added to corresponding vertex in Original graph G
From the above figure,
- If G possesses a Hamiltonian cycle, we can construct a sun graph in G' by:
- Adding the hanging vertices to the cycle.
- Connecting each hanging vertex to a new vertex outside the cycle
- Conversely, removing the hanging vertices from a sun graph in G' reveals a Hamiltonian cycle in the original graph G.
From this reduction we can say that solving the Sun Graph problem requires tackling a problem as hard as Hamiltonian Cycle. So, the Sun Graph problem must also be NP-complete, due to its inherent complexity.
For Sun Graph to Clique:

G to G':
- Add n new vertices to G.
- Connect each new vertex to its corresponding vertex in G.
- Add an additional edge between every pair of new vertices in G'.
- Additionally, for each pair of hanging vertices, add an edge connecting them.
Explanation for above figure(Clique):
If G has a sun graph, we can construct a clique of size n + 1 in G' as follows:
Conversely, if G' has a clique of size n + 1, we can construct a sun graph in G as follows:
From this reduction we can say that solving the Sun Graph problem requires tackling a problem as hard as Clique . So, the Sun Graph problem must also be NP-complete, due to its inherent complexity.